15 Nov 2010

Frucosol Decarbonisers and Ecolimpieza in HOSTELCO 2010.

For the first time in Hostelco Show, Frucosol presented its Franchise ECOLIMPIEZA, based on the Frucosol decarboniser machines, the perfect solution for the kitchen of any restaurant, hotel, catering, hospital and so on.

Many people asked about the advantages of using a decarboniser in their kitchen, and those are many and direct:: to save time, effort and above all money. With this machine we won't need to be many hours in front of the kitchen sink scouring with hot water and using expensive detergents...

It is probably that in the next times we could open new franchises in the UK, France and Italy and we were talking with many people interested during the Exhibition.

We leave some pictures of our stand in Barcelona...

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